Category Cat News & Tidbits

Cute Cats Playing Shuttlecock is a Must-Watch!

Cute Cats Playing Shuttlecock is a Must-Watch!

Have you ever seen a cat so athletic? If not, you’re in for a claw-verly good time that will leave you purring with joy! A recent TikTok video from the channel haoapamkam has gone viral, showcasing three playful cats who…

Owner And Rescue Cat Speaking In The Same Language

Owner And Rescue Cat Speaking In The Same Language

Do you ever wish you could speak to your cat? Imagine being able to communicate with your furry friend in a language they understand. Well, in a viral TikTok video, one cat owner has done just that! In just 9…

A collaged photo of a cat peaking on a curtain with custom blinds, Cat-Approved Custom Blinds: A Peek into Understanding Your Cat's Needs

Man Cuts Blinds to Create Cat-Approved Window To The World

Cats – mysterious, quirky, and sometimes downright baffling. But we wouldn’t have it any other way, would we? The recent TikTok video from @itshodges brings a grin to our faces by showing just how well one cat owner understands their…

Cat eating the treats in his cart, Cat Enjoys Snacks Like a Furbaby: The Most Chill Cat Ever?

Cat Enjoys Snacks Like a Furbaby: The Most Chill Cat Ever?

Are you ready for a dose of cuteness overload? Look no further than this TikTok video featuring Topher’s adorable cat, Roofy. Topher is a pet lover who shares videos of his exotic pets on his channel, @critterbrain. In this particular…

Lu the Five-Legged Cat's Journey to Surgery

Meet Lu: the Five-Legged Cat on a Journey to Surgery

While browsing TikTok, occasionally you stumble upon something so captivating that it makes you stop in your tracks. That’s precisely how we discovered Lu, the remarkable five-legged cat! Naturally, we couldn’t resist digging deeper and sharing this extraordinary story with…

Image of a therapy cat named Roger. He is sitting nicely and patiently while he allows students to pet him.

Meet Roger and Salvador: The Healing Therapy Cats

Meet Roger and Salvador, two extraordinary therapy cats on a mission to bring comfort, joy, and healing to those in need. Their journey from humble beginnings to becoming certified therapy cats is an incredible story. In this heartwarming story, we…

A cat staring a a clock, Cat Can Tell Time and It's Hilarious - Tick Tock Meow!

Cat Can Tell Time and It’s Hilarious – Tick Tock Meow!

Step aside, Lassie, it’s time for a new furry hero to shine. Enter Chuck Norris, but not the martial artist and actor you’re thinking of. This Chuck Norris is a feline internet sensation famous for his extraordinary ability to tell…