Month July 2021

A cute cat relaxing on his cat bed with cat foot print designs inside a living room, 10 Best Cat Beds For Large Cats

10 Best Cat Beds For Large Cats

The Maine Coon, British Shorthair, and the Norwegian Forest Cat are some of the many large cats that can have difficulty fitting in a standard-sized cat bed. Finding an appropriately sized bed for your large cat can become a tough…

Domestic cat sleeping soundly in its bed in a residential home, Should Each Cat Have Their Own Bed?

Should Each Cat Have Their Own Bed?

Part of making your new pet cat settled in your home is ensuring that you’ve prepared her own food and water bowls, cat food supply, litter box, and scratching post. But for those with multiple pets at home, do you…

A British shorthair cat climbing on top of the table, Can Cats Eat Doritos?

Can Cats Eat Doritos?

Pet parents sometimes can’t help but share whatever it is they’re eating with their furry friends. Especially when they look at you with those big eyes. But is this a good practice? What about if you’re snacking on your favorite…

A British shorthair cat sleeping on the gray sofa, Should You Put Catnip In A Cat Bed?

Should You Put Catnip In A Cat Bed?

Tried to make your cat sleep in its new bed but to no avail? Wondering if you should put catnip in a cat bed? Then you’re in the right place. In this article, you will learn more about catnip, including…

A cat sitting inside his small carboard box home, Can Cats Eat Donuts?

Can Cats Eat Donuts?

We’ve heard of chocolates being bad for dogs but have you ever wondered if it’s safe to give your cat a piece of your favorite donut? We turned to the experts and here’s what we found out. Donuts are junk…

Two domestic cats sitting on top of their cat tree, How To Clean And Disinfect A Used Cat Tree

How To Clean And Disinfect A Used Cat Tree

Cleaning and disinfecting a cat tree is a must for relatively every cat parent. This need grows when you buy a used cat tree because you don’t know how the previous owner took care of the item. Now you’re wondering,…

A gray stripe domestic tabby cat relaxing in a carpeted indoor cat tree in front of a large window, Can A Cat Collar Cause Hair Loss?

Can A Cat Collar Cause Hair Loss?

Are your cats losing their hair from their neck? Can a cat collar cause hair loss? If this issue’s culprit is the collar, how can you avoid this problem in the future? We researched and consulted with experts in the…

A cat resting in his small carpeted cat tree inside a living room, How Big Should A Cat Tree Be?

How Big Should A Cat Tree Be?

Many felines like heights, and so, appeasing that desire may necessitate that you give your pets cat trees. But how big should a cat tree be? We researched and asked pet experts to give you the answer to this question.…