Your kitten is the cutest little furball ever, and you want to spoil them with all the best toys. But did you know that some of those popular toys could actually be dangerous for your feline friend?
Here are seven hidden dangers of popular kitten toys that you need to know about:
1. Felt Mice
They seem innocent enough, but the ones with little dangly parts can actually cause major issues if swallowed.
Those strings could get tangled in Kitty's digestive tract. Instead, opt for safer felt toys without attachments.
For better and alternate cat toy options, check out our list: The Best Cat Toys for Every Budget
2. Catnip-Stuffed Animals
We know, we know — kittens go crazy batting these around, and it's so fun to watch!
But although many kittens enjoy catnip, it's best to monitor their reaction and limit exposure to avoid potential overstimulation.
Reactions to catnip can vary among cats, and overstimulation can manifest as excessive hyperactivity, agitation, or aggressive behavior.
But kittens under six months typically don't react to catnip because their sensitivity to it is inherited and typically develops as they grow older.
In case they do react, signs to watch for are frantic rolling, over-scratching or biting, growling, or hissing. While these behaviors are temporary and generally harmless, they can be distressing for some kittens.
By observing your kitten's behavior, you can ensure they enjoy catnip safely. To learn more about catnip safety, read: Catnip Bubbles And Your Cat: Addressing The Safety Question
3. Feather Toys
Fun and fluttery, what's not to love? Well, those feathers could be hiding quills inside.
If swallowed, these sharp bits can pierce kitten intestines. Inspect toys closely and throw out any shedding or damaged ones.
4. Bells and Rattles
Tiny bells pose a choking risk if they break off and get swallowed. Plus, all that noise can stress out sensitive young ears.
Instead, let kittens "hunt" quiet toy mice for practice. If it's right before bed, playtime should be 15 to 20 minutes before.
Read more about bedtime playtime here: How Long Should I Play With My Cat Before Bed?
5. Loose Ribbons and Strings
Strings and ribbons are also a choke and intestinal obstruction risk.
Keep anything stringy totally out of reach. If you must, supervise playtime with your kitten with these toys.
6. Rubber Bands
Rubber bands pose the worst choking and internal damage risk on this list. Keep kittens far away and throw any stray bands in sealed containers.
7. Plastic shopping bags
Crinkly and fun to bite — we get the appeal. But plastic bags pose a huge suffocation risk for curious kittens! Keep them completely out of reach.
Try paper bags instead as they won't cling to their tiny faces.
Keep Your Kitten Safe While Having Fun
While kittens love playing with fun toys, it’s crucial we keep their safety in mind.
By supervising playtime, avoiding hazardous toys, and choosing safer alternatives, we can ensure our furry friends stay happy and healthy for years of joyful play.
Kittenhood is fleeting, so let’s keep our little ones safe while enjoying their playful kitten energy to the fullest!
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